Bug's Mugs

Bug's Mugs
My Dragonfly

Welcome to Bug's Mugs

Hello and welcome to Bug's Mugs. My name is June and my nickname was always "June Bug", I love photography - hence the name of my blog- "Bug's Mugs" I hope you enjoy my "mug" shots of all varieties. I especially love to take pictures of flowers, butterflies, and churches. I also love to photograph all kinds of nature. So relax, look around and I hope you enjoy my perspective of this beautiful world of God's creation through my camera lens. Feel free to comment on any of my photos.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fire On The Flint Hills

Here in Kansas all the cattle ranchers burn off their prairie grass grazing for the cattle. In the Spring, this corner of Kansas is ablaze with orange tongues of fire and gray-black clouds of billowing smoke that can be seen for miles and miles. Last Spring, when it was time for us to burn off our prairie grass land, I took my camera and photographed this amazing sight. No mere photograph can capture the essence, sight and awesome reality of just being there to witness the experience and wonder of it all. After the process of burning off the grazing, all we ranchers pray for rain. In what seems like overnight after the burn and after the rain, the beauty that emerges from the ashes, is a God-wrought miracle that only being here can comprehend. It is truly one of the most beautiful places on earth that God has created! The Kansas prairie is a virtual canvas of every hue of green that the mind can imagine- from subtle emerald to a gorgeous vibrant lime. The beautiful and abundant wildflowers are as vivid and diverse as the pages of a botanical encyclopedia! The crowning glory is to witness the multitudes of Black Angus cow-calf pairs out there grazing on the most nutrient-rich and sought-after prairie grass on the face of the earth! Every time I see the beautiful green Flint Hills and the cattle on them, it reminds me of the verse in Psalm 50:10 that says , "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills..." What an awesome God we serve! Enjoy!
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Fruit Macro

These are the entries for the Brenda Photo Challenge for March. These are the fruit macros I photographed for my first time entry in this fun photo blog. I hope you enjoy them. Not my best work so far, but at least I got an entry in on short notice.


Welcome to my blog! I am going to attempt to put up some of my pictures and let you look at your leisure. As I have stated previously, I do not attempt to claim that I am a photographer, but I do enjoy taking pictures. One of my favorite things to photograph is churches, which I am posting several here now. I hope you enjoy them! The first picture is Tabor Baptist Church, Tignall, Georgia. The Second picture is an old abandoned church in Quincy, Kansas, The Third picture is Coddle Creek Presbyterian Church near Davidson, NC. The Fourth picture is Blue Rock Baptist Church in Micaville, NC.