Bug's Mugs

Bug's Mugs
My Dragonfly

Welcome to Bug's Mugs

Hello and welcome to Bug's Mugs. My name is June and my nickname was always "June Bug", I love photography - hence the name of my blog- "Bug's Mugs" I hope you enjoy my "mug" shots of all varieties. I especially love to take pictures of flowers, butterflies, and churches. I also love to photograph all kinds of nature. So relax, look around and I hope you enjoy my perspective of this beautiful world of God's creation through my camera lens. Feel free to comment on any of my photos.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Brenda's Photo Challenge - Lighting

These are some of the photos I have taken with lighting. Some of my favorite shots of storms, rainbows, sunrises and just country photos. I am a country girl and I love to get up early in the mornings and get out and see some of God's wondrous works. Those of us who are not early risers are really missing out on some of the most beautiful sights that God ever wrought in His sunrises.

Another of God's beautiful works is His rainbow- His promise to man that He would never destroy the earth with a flood again. I am awestruck every time I see His bow in the clouds that He has never forgotten His promise and He sends this breathtaking wonder to the eye just to remind us that He loves us and remembers His promise. I feel the peace of God when I see these beautiful Creations of His. It reminds me of the verse that is such a Comfort to me when I am feeling alone or down.."And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 May the each of you know the peace of God through His Son, Jesus Christ. I hope you enjoy my photos.....Courtesy of God...


  1. You definitely have a gift for capturing God's handiwork. Thank you for sharing it with us. =)

  2. Beautiful, stunning pictures. I cannot pick out a favourite, they all are :-)

    Amanda x

  3. Fabulous photos. I love the early morning but really should get outside more at that time of day.

  4. Oh, these are Beautiful June! Love the Rainbow!! Well Done Girl!
    Happy weekend!

  5. Beautiful! My favorate is the image of the farm equipment and rainbow in the background! Aren't early morning and late afternoon lightings the best?!

  6. These are stunning. That rainbow one is magnificent. Have a great weekend :)

  7. It's magnificent sight! Great shots too! Happy Sunday!

    Brenda Photo Challenge~Lighting

  8. Morning! Guess you got busy and forgot the Brenda Photo Challenge today...
    Maybe next time!
