Bug's Mugs

Bug's Mugs
My Dragonfly

Welcome to Bug's Mugs

Hello and welcome to Bug's Mugs. My name is June and my nickname was always "June Bug", I love photography - hence the name of my blog- "Bug's Mugs" I hope you enjoy my "mug" shots of all varieties. I especially love to take pictures of flowers, butterflies, and churches. I also love to photograph all kinds of nature. So relax, look around and I hope you enjoy my perspective of this beautiful world of God's creation through my camera lens. Feel free to comment on any of my photos.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Working the Cattle in 2010

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On Saturday we helped work our neighbor's cattle. Our neighbor, Albert Mann and his wife, Wanda own one of the oldest homesteaded ranches in America. They raise original Hereford cattle, which came to this country in the 1800s. The original Hereford breed have horns, which have to be removed for herd safety. Albert (Speck is what all of us affectionately call him) is 94 years old and still rides a horse in our Annual Toronto Fourth of July Parade. He is still an active cattle rancher and you can see his pictures in this video. Cattle working is usually a once a year occurance, where the cattle are brought up from the home pastures and the steers are castrated, all the calves are de-horned, and everything gets vaccinated and wormed. The mamas are also wormed and then everything is loaded on to cattle trailers and taken to the pastures in the Flint Hills here in Kansas. The bluestem pastures have been burned and are in the process of turning green so the cattle can graze until October. The calves average a weight gain of approximately three pounds per day on the bluestem. At the middle of October, everything is gathered again, the mamas return to the home pastures, and the calves are shipped off to the market, having gained hopefully up to 800 or 900 pounds.It is a way of life here in the Flint Hills of Kansas , and has been for generations. Kansas beef is the best tasting beef on the market, and ranchers all over the world are envious of our prairie grass, for its above average natural God-given nutrients!


  1. What an amazing slideshow and informative post. I was born and raised a city girl, so this is all very, very interesting to me. =)

  2. that is awesome but it is gross too i miss u and pappy

    i luv u

  3. You have been tagged. The info is on my blog if you want to play along. =)

  4. I loved the video. I was raised on a ranch, so I can relate to all of the pictures. What program did you use for the video? I have lots of pictures that would work with the same background that would make great Christmas gifts. ~Janice
